history venturina San Vincenzo - Discover San Vincenzo

history venturina San Vincenzo the touristical website about San Vincenzo

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history venturina

history venturina

The plain today populous and thriving business, it was not so once. Just think of the period 1830/60 to recall sad conditions and great inconvenience. The reclamations, the Aurelia road and rail national changed things and people found reason to settlement, stable and secure. The projection of modern Campiglia is Venturina, developed along the highway Aurelia, and illustrious populated city, with its annual fairs, throbs with frenetic activity almost exclusively related to the tertiary sector. His oldest part is Caldana, with the Romanesque Mausoleum and the path of Mills that depart from Bottaccio today Calidario to reach up to the railway line. At the beginning of the street you can see what remains of a vast complex Church: The church of Saint Lucia, which gives its name to the stage below. The milling activity dates back to ancient time and if it finds track in a document of 754. This is an area rich in hot water, from the village Caldana here, and this peculiarity becomes the economic exploitation for the organoleptic qualities of these waters.

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