- Middle Ages
- San Vincenzo
A 10 km from Piombino b>, the boulevard that leads
St. Vincent b>, it crosses the road that leads in minutes to
Baratti b>. Splendido natural harbour b>, synthesis between beauty of the sea
And its sunsets, and the fascinating archaeological presence of
Etruscan necropolis b>.
Tombs b> of various kinds, scattered throughout the territory, call for
A backward through centuries of a mysterious and fascinating world.
The road then continues tortuous climb in the green stain
Mediterranean up to the Etruscan city of Populonia b>, which was also the
Largest centre of the Mediterranean specialized in mergers Iron
Mineral extracts obtained from the nearby island of Elba.
Located on the top of a hill surrounded by sea walls keeps
Medieval b> built for the defence by Barbary pirates and complex
Defensive della Rocca b> built in the first half of the fifteenth century
Jacopo Appiani II.
Inside the walls is hidden in a small village characteristic
Trecentesco b>, organized on two longitudinal streets of St. John of
Up and San Giovanni di Sotto, where a small but valuable museum b>
Private b> are kept Etruscan and Romany b>, found in
Excavations of the area and at sea.
From medieval fortress b>, which can be visited, it opens an exceptional
Panorama of the plains below and the Tuscan archipelago. Font>