populonia not only etruscan San Vincenzo - Discover San Vincenzo

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populonia not only etruscan

populonia not only etruscan

A 10 km from Piombino , the boulevard that leads St. Vincent , it crosses the road that leads in minutes to Baratti . Splendido natural harbour , synthesis between beauty of the sea And its sunsets, and the fascinating archaeological presence of Etruscan necropolis . Tombs of various kinds, scattered throughout the territory, call for A backward through centuries of a mysterious and fascinating world.
The road then continues tortuous climb in the green stain Mediterranean up to the Etruscan city of Populonia , which was also the Largest centre of the Mediterranean specialized in mergers Iron Mineral extracts obtained from the nearby island of Elba.
Located on the top of a hill surrounded by sea walls keeps Medieval built for the defence by Barbary pirates and complex Defensive della Rocca built in the first half of the fifteenth century Jacopo Appiani II. Inside the walls is hidden in a small village characteristic Trecentesco , organized on two longitudinal streets of St. John of Up and San Giovanni di Sotto, where a small but valuable museum Private are kept Etruscan and Romany , found in Excavations of the area and at sea.
From medieval fortress , which can be visited, it opens an exceptional Panorama of the plains below and the Tuscan archipelago.

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